New training workshop – Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ChatGPT

February 29, 2024 will be an exceptional date; not just to celebrate the leap year, but also because of the launch of a very exciting new course. This is a training workshop on artificial intelligence (AI) and Chat GPT.
On the agenda, we will answer the questions:
- What is artificial intelligence
Analysis of different platforms
The limitations of AI
How to trade with AI
Several practical cases
Integration into systems and Excel
Caution and overview of possibilities
Weekly activity, just for fun!

There is a lot of enthusiasm for our new activity on badminton Tuesdays, so much so that additional courts will have to be added.
After Stéphane tried to impress everyone with his drop shots, the reality is that he isn’t much of a threat. He can only improve with his current win ratio being at 0%.
After Stéphane tried to impress everyone with his drop shots, the reality is that he isn’t much of a threat. He can only improve with his current win ratio being at 0%.
Let’s just add that women have a head start over men so far.
New at Les Éditions Reynald Goulet inc.

Proud to have collaborated with Les Éditions Reynald Goulet inc., we worked on the preparation of a series of books. Unsurprisingly, it focuses on our favourite subject: Microsoft Excel.
The editor Isabelle Goulet informed us that in addition to being available at Renaud-Bray and Amazon, they are also available directly on the website, which allows you to benefit from a 15% discount with the code EXCEL15.
Microsoft Copilot integration
Always surprising to see a team of senior and very experienced developers become children when a new technology arrives. The integration of Microsoft Copilot as a personal assistant by the SLV team has started and we can’t even count on the most experienced associates to calm things down, at this level they are as excited as children.