Custom development


Data formating

We prepare programmed procedures that organize and structure the data from several different sources and types to give them a usable format. 

Automated management report

We create custom management reports. The reports are developed to be easily customizable and completely incorruptible.

Creation of custom utilities

The SLV team is specialized in the design of tailor-made management utilities. .

Budget process

We have supported several companies of all sizes in the budget preparation process.

Financial modeling and business planning

Financial modeling makes it possible, among other things, to make accounting projections that make it possible to visualize the impact of projected business decisions.

Management dashboard

Thanks to the experience acquired in several hundred companies, our mastery of technology and our capacity for analysis, we design complete dashboards.

Other consulting services

-Calculations related to payroll services
-Creation of quotation systems
-VBA programmer training
-Non-profit management
-Business start-up
-Custom mandate

We develop with Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic, Power add-ins and Microsoft Power BI. These robust softwares have been proven to be the fastest way to help businesses be efficient.

Time bank

The purchase of an hourly bank gives access to a range of services offered by the technical support team.